Saturday, April 26, 2014

メリー クリスマス!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! 12/22/13

Konnichiwa everyone!!!!!!!!!!
wow what a week!! They go by so fast and yet so slow..
This last week Reusser shimai got sick so Amituanai shimai and i had lots of time to our selves. just study wise but it was quite the experience! i love her! i am going to miss her like crazy! transfers are a little depressing in the fact that you make best friends and then they are just taken from you! Mission life..
So tuesday we rode our bikes the long way to tsuchiura to visit tsuchida san. Shes the old lady whose body is always hurting :/ we went and brought her a picture of christ. I think she really liked it. She changed topics quick though and lectured us on how we need to take better care of our skins hahah! shes a doll! got back on our bikes and died. The wind got super crazy all of a sudden and the already terribly long bike ride got turned into an even longer one! It took us about an hour and a half of all three of us in tears and sweat! ha! it was quite the experience! last week was the spiritual challenge and this week was the physical one. Tsukuba is just throwing everything out at me! but im ready for it! bring it on! We rode to the church and my adopted asian mother, Nakamura Shimai bought us costco pizza!!! she is a saint! i love her! she made us super cute key chans too! She is going to miss Amituanai shimai just like the rest of us in Tsukuba! After that we ran to the eki to meet my new best friend! Aoi chan! She is a new eikaiwa friend who loves me! hahah! She works at the eki and comes and says hi to me everytime we had out english flyers! We meet her for dinner and taught her lesson 1! From a young age she has been praying and knows that there is a God that loves her! So sweet to hear that because it is so rare here in japan! She also had read from the Book of Mormon so she became a progressing investigator! Sadly though, sunday she emailed me and said she just wants to be my friend without religion. This happens all to frequently here. We meet with people for the first time and then they hear rumors and dont want to meet again. But Aoi chan has become one of my best friends! And that is good enough for right now! She is so special to me and i am just so glad that i can be here for her!
Wednesday was Amituanai shimais last day :/ heart broken. So we had planned to visit  a less active member. But my bikes tire was flat. when we called to say we would be late she cancelled.. but my amazing companions always have the greatest faith! they knew that there was something else that would come up! some miracle! and of course it was true! An investigator we had been trying to contact said she would be at the church in 15 minutes! miracle! she showed up however and gave us back the book of mormon we gave her. We did all we could to convince her to keep it. She did but i dont know if she was convinced to keep reading. She likes us though and wants to meet again. So a miracle but a miracle that will require some more work and a little more faith! Wednesday night we planned a movie night for Amituanai shimais last night. However everyone canceled. so we spent our last night in the absolute freezing cold housing!
and then thursday came... transfer day :/ so sad! i miss my companion! and i miss being in a three some! but i have an amazing companion! Sister Kelley! She is from washington. Today is actually her birthday! we celebrated by having an amazing lesson with our investigator janet! she is getting baptized!!!! and so excited!!! then we had a costco pizza party at the church with another investigator miyuki san! shes hilarious and think us foreigners are crazy!
Sadly we had to split our investigators now that there are four sisters in tsukuba.. i felt like i got broken up with. But the investigators are with who they need to be! i hope! we are going to see so many miracles this transfer! young missionaries means lots of faith and miracles!!!
saturday we had our ward christmas party!!! funnest day on my mission i think! we have such a fun ward! the little kids did a magic show, the other members sang and performed! And all the missionaries sang and danced in front of everyone! We were a hit! we had lots of investigators come and it was the most perfect night! we had such a fun time! i am so excited for christmas! people will be busy but we are still expecting miracles and i cant wait!!!
love and miss you all!! expect miracles and they will happen!
merry almost christmas!!!!!
Christensen shimai

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