Saturday, April 26, 2014


Merry Christmas!!!!!!
This felt like the longest week ever!! i think i saw that maybe every week. But really. It was good. just long! But christmas made it a memberable one!!!
Last Monday i was on the Tsukuba Radio!! i font know actually how many people listen to the radio anymore but it was cool anyways! We sang three christmas songs and then had mini conversations with the radio host about missionaries and our church. Our bishop was the one who set it up so he recorded it and put it on youtube i think! I dont remember the link but ill ask! Some of our friends did say that they heard us though! so it was worth it! a fun way to spread the christmas spirit!
Tuesday we went and visited our indian friends! Anu invited us in and talked with us for over an hour about religion. Hinduism is a crazy cool religion! She said she wants to come to our church too! She just wants to feed us and feed us! She wouldnt let us leave untill we finished her indian cracker thingys, apples, rice, curry (so spicy!!) she is adorable! and i am getting fat. hahah! After that we did some christmas carroling at the train station. We did that a lot these past couple of weeks. HAnded out flyers about church and about the real meaning of christmas. Met a lot of great people from it and got to help get people excited for christmas! Then we had dinner at Higashi Shimais house. again, we just ate and ate and ate. Its pretty rough being a missionary and having people feeding you all the time..
Then wednesday was christmas!!!! I was more excited for this christmas than any other one before! Skyping home was just the greatest most wonderfulest christmas present ever! I think i enjoyed it too much! Its kinda hard to be away from family at christmas but through skype i felt closer than ever! so grateful for such a wonderful, caring, and loving family! After skype we went to good old KFC for lunch! Japanese people think that is what americans eat for christmas so we did to prove them right! So many smiles at us when we walked in! too funny! Then for dinner we went to Maianns house. Shes the recently baptized phillipino lady. I LOVE her and her cute family! We had such a nice night! Her kids just running around screaming made it feel like a normal christmas!
Thursday at Eikaiwa was our christmas party! We decorated american sugar cookies! Everyone was surprised at how sweet they were. They were totally normal.. hahah! But my new best friends name is Yoko. She is probably about 70 years old and has super good english! I dont know why but we became instant best friends! When i called her on christmas she cried! I adore her! Im pretty sure we were friends before this life! We talked about church and she has read from the book of mormon before! she said she wants to study it some more. I told her that i would come to her house and study with her and she got so excited!!! so now im realllllyyyyyy excited! i just love her! She sits next to me, holds my hands during class and tells me "you are so charming, you are so handsome" hahaha! i  love her!
So our christmas miracle was that HITOMI GOT BAPTIZED!!! yayyyyy!!! finally!!!! she has been waiting so long! i have never seen someone so excited! She really just wanted to feel clean and to have no more guilt. After she was baptized, she was just glowing! so happy for my Hitomi san. Reusser shimai and I sang amazing grace at the service. Its hitomis favorite song! We didnt make it through the whole song.. we joined the rest of the congregation in tears! The words just so right for Hitomi. My chains are gone ive been set free. My God my savior has ransomed me. And like a flood his mercy reigns unending love amazing grace!! it was a sweet experience! I love when the entire room is just flooding by Gods loving spirit! Something i will never forget!
I hope everyone had a wonderful, merry, and bright christmas! Thanks you always for the prayers, and thoughts for all the missionaries! We cant do it without your help! We see little miracles everyday because of the faith of the members all over the world! I love you all! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
christensen shimai 

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