Tuesday, October 22, 2013


This transfer is flying by! i cant even believe it! Tomorrow is temple day and next week is transfers! Its a little scary how fast time is going by! There just isnt enough time to teach everyone and baptism them all!! haha! 
Anyways this week was awesome as usual! It rained A TON this week! Mom you will be happy to know that i am getting such a good use out of my rain suit. The rain pants are the biggest necessity! I look like black marshmallow but at least im dry! mostly.
Wednesday we got woken up at 6 in the morning to our bishop warning us about the typhoon going on outside. We live close to a river so he was a little worried about us. pshhh a little wind and water never hurt anybody! We went out the day before and visited some members. riding bikes in the rain and wind is a little bit of a challenge. Not to mention no one really stops to talk to you on the street during typhoons. So we stayed inside that next morning. Luckily it completely cleared up by lunch time! We we were able to make it to all of our appointments and eikaiwa! My companion made me pack an emergency backpack just in case we needed to leave. In it she had me pack some of my cute clothes she picked out and peanut butter. really though what more could you need? That day we visited Hasegawa San. We taught her about the gospel of Jesus Christ. She really likes learning about our church and always finds our messages interesting however she says she will never join. We may just have gotten our first drop. Its not a very fun feeling ill tell you that. I adore this lady! She is so funny and so quirky! But I think she is done hearing our lessons. sad day. We might still stop by occasionally because we love her and i know she still loves us! oh wait... this is so funny.. as im sitting here she just called and now my companion is planning another lesson! maybe we wont be dropping her after all! hahaha! wow! so grateful for all the tender mercies!!!! i think they just planned to watch the Finding faith in Christ movie and to make cookies! hahaha! 
This week nagamine shimai came back to Chiba for an exchange! We got to be companions again!! oh how i missed my trainer! So fun to be back with my best friend! She is hilarious! We had a completely white day planned which means we had no appointments or anything. So we planned to just go visit everybody we knew! We visited Sekihara San! She used to be a progressing investigator but heard some rumor about the church and stopped meeting with us. But recently she began reading from the bible and had some questions. So nice to have my japanese companion to be there to actually know whats going on! She asked if we would come back and teach about prophets! So graetful for her and her questions! before we left she made sure that we drank some more of her nasty noni juice! She is just so great! 
Im just now kind of realizing that all of our investigators are pretty funny. haha! but i adore them all! no one is very normal but thats how it should be! Then we visited Chiba San. Her two daughters were baptized many years ago but are not active. She was never baptized but knows a lot about the church. Her husband wasnt home so she invited us in. Oh she is just the sweetest thing ever! It felt like being at grandmas house! She fed us and gave us blankets to use! She has pretty strong buddhist beliefs but she said we could come back and share a message anytime! We asked if we could pray for her and anything that she needed. We prayed for her family and she was so pleased! Its always a testimony builder to me to see the faith of other people! 
Friday we brought the Bishop and his wife to our lesson with Yoshida San. I started the lesson on tithing and that was basically all the was said form the missionaries. They took over after that! Which was totally fine! I was pretty lost throughout the whole lesson but they shared experiences and stories and testimonies! The spirit was strong and i know they were able to help her with her worries! 
The best part of the week was out wards halloween party!!! saturday our ward put on the best halloween party i have ever seen! I didnt have time to take pictures but i wish so badly that i could have! they went all out!!!!!!!!! the theme was an amaerican halloween hahaha so they tried to make it super spooky and fun! the decorations were out of this world! the church did not really look like a church.. hahah! We have such a fun ward! the members are so sweet and so fun! A lot of our eikaiwa students came to the party so it was an amazing missionary opportunity for us! I painted kids faces all night long! The poor kids got ugly pumpkins and bats on their faces but they loved it! it was so fun!
Sunday we had a lesson with an investigator who has had almost all the lessons and just barely moved into our ward. She is so excited to get baptized and really just loves the church! the only problem is that she is Mongolian. Therefore she doesnt speak japanese or english.. communication was quite interesting! She knew less japanese than me! haha! Luckily she has become friends with a member in another ward who speaks both languages so she could translate! It was a pretty slow lesson but good none the less! She is adorable! 
This week has been insanely cold! and its only october! I am in major trouble! 
We just barely met with my bestest friend Hiyori San. We teach her in english cause she is basically fluent! We taught about the Plan of Salvation. She so badly wants to know if the church is true but hasnt gotten an answer. It absoluetly breaks my heart because she has so much faith and desire! We pray for her none stop! Really missions are a test of the missionaries faith as well! There is more that I need to be doing to help my investigators come unto Christ. I am so grateful for the love of my Heavenly Father! He is helping me in ways that i dont even recognize! As long as we keep exercising out faith in him really what do we have to worry about. everything will work out! His love is immeasurable! I am so grateful for this gospel and my savior! I love you all! have a good week!

Christensen shimai

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