Tuesday, October 15, 2013


HI HI!!!! 
Hope everyone is doing well! i usually bring my journal with me to email but i forgot it so we will see if i can remember anything that happened this week.. It was a great week but felt pretty long.
Last tuesday Willden shimai, Ramos Chan and I went to our investigators house for a lesson. Hasegawa san is usually just interested in learning english from us but when we walked in she said no english today. Just church. We were thrilled!!!! We taught her the restoration of the gospel! We watched the joseph smith movie with her. She really liked it but doesnt know if she can believe. She said she wants to go to church with us this sunday though! again so stoked! We adore her! she is pretty lonely so im pretty sure she adores us too hahah! 
Then we went to kanda university with ramos chan and did some streeting. All the kids speak english so it was fun talking to them! met lots of great people and gave out quite a few of Books of Mormon however they all live far away and commute to school so it would be hard to meet them again. But it was a fun day! 
Wednesday however we met with Rui Chan who is from Kanda. We met her last time and asked her if God were standing right next to her what would she ask. She got super nervous hahah but said she wants to know what is most important. Sotuesday we met at her campus for lunch. We got to know her and talked about the Book of Mormon and that it has answers to every single question. We told her that the most important thing (2 nephi 2:25) is to have joy! God loves us and wants us to be happy! she liked that answer! We told her that the other most important thing is to learn about Christ. We gave her a Book of Mormon and are hopefully seeing her soon! 
This week i had a really bad cough. In japan thats probably the worstest thing that could ever happen.. They are super crazy germ freaks so when they see my cough they give me this look... its not a very good one. After having three different cough attacks during lessons i decided a face mask was needed. I dont know why but the face mask makes everything better. I felt cool wearing it cause i finally could blend in with the japanese! 
Thursday we had a second transfer missionary meeting. It was supposed to be the 2nd transfer and their companion. Well me and my companion are both 2nd transfers so it was funny. Our zone leaders split the companionships up and asked the 2nd transfers just to vent! hahha! to say good and bad. Just get it out. Luckily i have absolutely nothing bad to say about Willden shimai or it could have been awkward cause she was right next to me. We are best friends! I adore my companion! Shes amazing! 
Friday we met with Hiyori San our english speaker investigator! She made us lunch and then we did the restoration lesson in english! soooooooo weird!!!! It was weird being able to actually understand everything she said! hahaha! I thought that this lesson would be perfect because it was in english. No problem. But turns out its hard to teach no matter the language. She has been an investigator for like 12 years and so she kind of asks questions she knows we dont have the answers to. She is the sweetest lady in the world and probably my favoritest person here in japan but we have such a hard time teaching her. She loves the gospel and wishes she could believe but she thinks that God has never answered her prayers. She is so great and i know she would be the greatest member in our church. So we have a lot of work to do!
Then this weekend we got to watch all of general conference!!! ahhhh!!!! it was soooooooooo good!!! seriously ive never looked forward to conference more in my life! I desperately needed the guidance and counsel of those amazing men!Saturday we watched all the sessions including the womans conference! Like President Monson said, this conference was the most inspired conference of them all! I was touched by every single talk and gained new ideas on how to help my investigators! We are going to work hard this week to really apply the things we learned in conference and help share the love we felt! My favorite talk was President Eyrings talk on sunday morning! (i wish i had my journal) but he talked about how God has a plan for all his children. Families are unique and its a blessing! We were given each other to help strengthen one another! I love my family! He talked about how we were sent to be angles to help those who need saving. Well there are plenty here that need saving and i hope to do my best to bring that light into their lives! I want to be a rescuer! But what blew my mind more than anything else was the amount of prayers that go out towards the missionaries. Every person blessed the missionary efforts in that we might be able to teach and find those who are ready! The prophet and his apostle are praying for me and all of the other 80,000 missionaries! We cannot fail! I know that God answers prayers! He answers mine everyday! I know he will answer the prophets and the apostles as well. They ask for our success and so God will grant it unto us. What a sweet blessing! I was so comforted and so humbled. I am weak. The prophet knows it. He knows i need all the prayers and help i can get. But through My God i can become strong! so very grateful for General Conference and the things that i felt! What a blessing to have a modern day prophet to guide us in times of darkness! I thank my God for a prophet! 
Such a fun weekend! With conference broadcast at  homes it was basically just all of the missionaires in my zone watching conference at the church! But that was powerful too! All of us missionaries sitting in a little room watching it in english all being filled with the spirit to help us better ourselves as missionaries! 
So grateful for the wonderful weekend of general conference! So excited to see this work get carried about through all the world with the help of its members! The prophet prayers for them too! We really cannot fail!!

love you all! hope all is well!
Christensen Shimai

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